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Laura Sauer of
Sauer Expressions

The Jane Austen Society

Welcome to the JASNA CT! We are one of the many local chapters of the Jane Austen Society of North America, dedicated to the enjoyment of Jane Austen's work and time. We meet four times a year to hear a variety of speakers, eat good food and enjoy each other's company. Our last meeting of each year is a high tea to celebrate Jane Austen's birthday.

Stay posted for the current info on our second annual Gala event! This year, Our event will be held at the Mark Twain House in Hartford on April 9th, from 10 am to 4pm. We have three dynamic speakers, including a fellow who promises to tell us why Twain didn't like Austen. What fun!

Read all about the event in our membership letter

President: Claire Smith
Chairman: Sandra Galloni
Liaison to National Committee: Jean Brassil